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August and the Living is Not Easy


Well, it's official. The weeds have won. I give up trying to maintain the beds. The front of the yard is fine, as I worked hard to keep up appearances. And the vegetables are OK, too. I just noticed a huge hornet's nest in the trellis that the honeysuckle is climbing. Thank goodness I didn't weed over there or no doubt I would have been stung. Fortunately, it is out of the way under the eave of the barn and did not interfere with the installation of the solar panels. I am patiently awaiting the OK to turn on the juice and collect all that sunshine!

Amid the weeds - some of which are chest high or higher - are some wonderful delights. The air is full of scents, and the buzz of bees and the whir of the hummingbirds resonate each afternoon. I am looking over the garden in anticipation of making cuttings for the Fourth Annual Herb Show at Tower Hill, which will be held Aug. 10 and 11. I will be having a vendor table, with many herb plants for sale, as well as some of my herbal products. Shoe stuffers, sleep pillows, and new this year are flea collars - soft collars filled with herbs that should repel fleas (and smell good, too). The show is always a lot of fun and educational, to boot.

Part of my failure with the weeds comes from the fact that I haven't been home much this summer. June found me in St. Louis, MO at the HSA Annual Meeting and Educational Conference. I just returned from the International Herb Association meeting in Townsend, TN, where we had a relaxing time on the quiet side of the Smokies. Both conferences gave me lots of food for thought and encouraged me to persevere in my herbal endeavors. Plus, it's great to be around people who have as much passion for herbs as I do.

Here's to the winding down of summer,


The information on this site is for informational purposes only. It is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, and has not been evaluated by the FDA. Green Woman's Garden | | 603-239-6733 |


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