"I've noticed something about gardening. You set out to do one thing and pretty soon you're doing something else, which leads to some other thing, and so on. By the end of the day, you look at the shovel stuck in the half dug rose bed and wonder what on earth you've been doing". Anne Raver
I found this gem in the book Garden Graces that I purchased while on my trip to Nashville. Around the corner from the hotel was Elder's Bookstore, at 78 years the oldest general bookstore in continuous operation in Nashville. It was a delight to find - lots of old books and atmosphere.
The quote really resonated with me. On my way to harvest the broccoli today, I stopped to check on the baby turkeys which were just born, weeded some of the garden beds, watered a parched plant or two, made mental notes on what I needed to accomplish, and I went back in the house without the broccoli! It's good to know that others share a similar affliction.
It is amazing how quickly the garden grows at this time of year. Away for nine days, I returned to find the roses at peak bloom, the asparagus at its end, and of course, weeds everywhere. The extreme heat we have been experiencing, combined with sultry, humid air, has caused everything to explode. It's a good thing that I like to weed, though I never have the satisfaction of completing that task. I find that weeding is a great time to think, work things out, and simply enjoy the fresh air and sunshine. Yesterday morning, I was weeding a patch of garden bed that had been neglected for some time, over-run with that scourge, ground ivy, as well as other recalcitrant weeds. During the time I spent weeding, a wild turkey traversed the yard not 20 yards from me, looking for bugs and other goodies under my fruit trees. I think she stops by and checks out the toms in my turkey yard, hoping to "make a connection". The great blue heron that frequents my pond flew in for his breakfast - or maybe it was brunch. Lots of other birds were singing, flying by, and generally entertaining me. I call those three hours time well-spent.
I've always got garden projects in various states of completion. I just put in a small fenced "Wicked" garden, containing magical and/or dangerous plants. My interest in historical uses of herbs was the impetus behind this creation, which contains hemlock, datura and belladonna that I grew from seed this year, as well as monkshood, digitalis, mayapple, yarrow, elder, ladies mantle and a container of houseleeks. Many of these plants need to be handled carefully, as they are toxic, hence the need for a fence to keep out the dog and small children.
The pond in the Sensory garden is almost complete. It was created in the stone hollow of the silo that once graced the property. When I purchased the property 26 years ago, it occurred to me that it would be a delightful spot for a water feature. It's taken me that long to bring it to fruition, but gardening is not necessarily a linear event. We've weeded that blasted hole at least once a year for the last 26, so it's good to know that's one less chore off my list. Of course, now there will be the tending of the pond. . .
I hope you are all enjoying your own gardening efforts and that you are rewarded with displays of both friendly flora and fauna. Keep on weeding, and enjoy the summer!
The information on this site is for informational purposes only. It is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, and has not been evaluated by the FDA. Green Woman's Garden | karen@greenwomansgarden.com | 603-239-6733 |